January 6th, 2024

Hey all!
The roads are not looking good for tomorrow. To be safe, we felt it would be best to cancel for tomorrow (January 7th). We will be canceling service for tomorrow and will have the sharing Sunday for next week (January 14th).
Even though we are canceling for tomorrow, this will give us a great opportunity (especially fathers) to engage our families with the Word and prayer. I have laid out several things to consider reading with your families for tomorrow as well as some questions to consider. If you would like to do your own thing, feel free. Use the following as you wish.
The roads are not looking good for tomorrow. To be safe, we felt it would be best to cancel for tomorrow (January 7th). We will be canceling service for tomorrow and will have the sharing Sunday for next week (January 14th).
Even though we are canceling for tomorrow, this will give us a great opportunity (especially fathers) to engage our families with the Word and prayer. I have laid out several things to consider reading with your families for tomorrow as well as some questions to consider. If you would like to do your own thing, feel free. Use the following as you wish.
- Pray together.
- Read Psalm 115.
- A brief explanation of the passage: "Ironically, just as genuine believers are to be conformed to the image of the Lord, the unregenerate resemble the gods of their own making and imagination (v. 8). Sinners may look impressive outwardly (v. 4), but they have no spiritual mouths to cry out for His grace or confess His praises (vv. 5,7), no spiritual senses to experience the beauty of God in Christ (vv. 5-6), no spiritual hands to offer Him worship (v. 7), and no spiritual feet to walk with Him in faith and obedience (v. 7). They are as spiritually dead as the wood or stone they worship (Eph. 2:1), utterly incapable of pleasing God (Ps. 14:1-3; Rom. 8:6-8; 2 Cor. 4:4). Ultimately God will also remove, all their natural abilities as well, leaving them powerless and hollow as vessels for everlasting fire. Therefore flee idolatry and fervently pray for Christ to save you from its soul-killing influences." (Taken from the Family Worship Guide)
- Questions to consider (the questions will depend on the age of children):
- What does this passage reveal about God's character?
- What does the passage show us about God's action?
- What does it show us about who people are?
- "The hinge upon which true worship turns is faith. Idolaters are like their idols because they trust in them (v. 8). Salvation is by faith in the Lord (v. 9-11). This also suggests that if we trust in the Lord alone for salvation, we will become like Him (112:4). Why would exercising trust in Christ make you more like God?" (Taken from the Family Worship Guide)
- Sing together.
- Pray together.
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